Farming Minister welcomes Dairy Crest's new programme to help its farmers stay healthy and safe
June 10, 2014Dairy Crest launched its new Farm Health & Safety Programme last Friday at the Royal Cornwall Show – by offering free health MOTs to farmers supplying their milk to its leading Davidstow Creamery. George Eustice, Farming Minister and MP for Cambourne and Redruth, visited the stand to hear more about the unique new programme developed by representatives from Dairy Crest working in partnership with Dairy Crest Direct (DCD) and the White Gold teams to produce a practical and relevant programme of information and workshops.
Mr Eustice said “I took one of the health assessments at the Royal Cornwall Show and I think this campaign to encourage farmers to think about their health and also the safety of their holdings is really welcome.”
Mark Allen, Dairy Crest’s CEO said:
“Dairy Crest puts great emphasis on the well-being of everyone who works within our business in any way. We have done a considerable amount of work at our sites around the country, but our farmers matter to us just as much as our employees. At the Royal Cornwall Show we launched our new programme to help our farmers, who are essential partners in our business, to stay healthy and safe. The focus is on both staying healthy and reducing the risk of accidents on their farms.”
The awareness raising programme will target specific risks according to seasonal activities. Included will be:
1. A series of practical workshops.
2. Targeted information on the Dairy Crest Farm Connect website.
3. Enhancements to the unique White Gold Service – Advisors will provide information and assess implementation of the programme.
4. Provision of health checks, for example blood pressure and cholesterol at farmer meetings and events.
5. Annual monitoring to ensure farmers find the information to raise awareness both useful and relevant.
The programme was introduced to Dairy Crest farmers at the Royal Cornwall Show where the Occupational Health team offered blood pressure and cholesterol checks and any relevant health information.
Commenting on the programme, Cornish farmer and Dairy Crest Direct Director Steve Bone said:
"I'm delighted Dairy Crest has decided to hold workshops throughout the South West with the emphasis on farm health and safety. It's important we are all aware of our responsibilities for the safety of those who work on and visit our farms. Most farmers I know spend a lot of time and energy providing excellent care for their livestock - but when it comes to looking after themselves it seems to be lower on their list of priorities. With this in mind, and having gone through the process myself, I would recommend taking advantage of the health check being provided at these events."